Thursday, September 3, 2020
Grand Opening by Jon Hassler essays
Great Opening by Jon Hassler papers ...He didn't take to aggregate the merchandise of this world. He took out of need and he took out of liberality. He took so as to keep his body and soul together and he parted with the rest. (Page 289 hardcover) These articulations best depict Dodger Hicks, a character from Grand Opening which is a novel by Jon Hassler. Dodger was obviously a liberal young person; a very dedicated companion, yet in addition dreaded being dismissed by individuals. Dodgers dread of dismissal was obvious to the individuals who knew him. When Dodger inquired as to whether he could live with him as an option in contrast to being at the change school he was remaining at. Julie and Brendan traded a tormented look, and Dodger, seeing it, nimbly pulled back his recommendation by giggling like he hadnt would not joke about this. This was the Dodger of old, OK; whenever there's any hint of dismissal he chilled out with something of statement of regret in his way. Sorry for requiring you, he appeared to state. (Page 141 hardcover) Dodger attempted to fit in by stealing things to give as endowments since he had barely any cash. Dodger looked to be adored like he loved others, however was uncertain of what individuals thought of him. Dodger was genuinely liberal in any event, when it implied giving something he didn't have the cash for. While home from the change school during Christmas, he took a Zippo lighter, confection, and a windshield-wiper cutting edge. The Zippo was for his mother; the treat was for him to eat, yet the sharp edge was for nobody. He admitted to himself that he was disappointed that he took something he didnt need or need to provide for anybody, and that he took it since it was there. any case, how might you oppose doing the one thing in life you were acceptable at? ... It was Dodgers strategy to take just due to legitimate need and never-or sometimes at irregular. (Page 151 hardcover) Dodger additionally got Brendan a present for Christmas: the tops he needed for his c ... <!
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
New York Association Of Adult Entertainment Establishments Essays
New York Association Of Adult Entertainment Establishments New York Association of Adult Entertainment Establishments (NYAEE) causes to act in a legitimate suit against the Department of City Planning. Foundation and Facts. In this contest, the Adult Establishment has been confined in the city of New York, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, and Staten Island: I. Grown-up foundations, new and old are banished from specific locale that are zoned for assembling and business use yet additionally grant private turn of events. II. Grown-up foundations must find 500 feet from schools, places of love, day care focuses. III. Close to one grown-up foundation in a zoning territory. IV. Grown-up foundation can have close to 10,000 square feet of floor territory and basement space. V. Grown-up foundations must accommodate or end inside a year. These guidelines are gone ahead by the New York Department of City Planning for the accompanying reasons: decline property estimations of encompassing business and occupants, increment in wrongdoing, significant loss of business on account of misfortune in speculations and decrease in financial and walker exercises. Issues. The debates in the question including the interests of the city versus the interests of the Adult Entertainment endeavors are three-crease. In the first place, during the time spent zoning property limits, the legislature must maintain a strategic distance from a managing factor that permits a business to have no other rivalry. A restraining infrastructure is an unlawful monetary element in our free-advertise framework. In the event that just a single grown-up foundation can be available in a zoning region, it is then a limitation of the serious market where there can not be a decision for the purchaser. This is the most vulnerable of the three contentions and it will simply be referenced yet not sought after. Second, it appears that the domain where the city characterizes the Adult Establishment as a business endeavor, it appears that a zoning law must be set as plugs or non-business. A re-zoning of a zone ought not separate by kind of business however just by the sort of territory the city cares to permit. As such, zoning is an arranging framework to help either mechanical, business, or local locations. In the event that a region is business, it should confine the zone to certain endeavor. On the off chance that a city concludes that an undertaking in causing a disturbance inside the zone it exists, at that point it ought not permit the item to be sold around there by any stretch of the imagination. The choice held in the National Paint and Coatings Association v. Chicago case is a model where the city gathering outlaws shower paint and enormous markers in the city of Chicago. The court found that there was no abuse and there is no essential option to sell paint along these lines the per mit to sell paint can be denied by the city. The selling of grown-up diversion can be denied totally in light of the fact that there is no fundament option to sell grown-up amusement in any case, there is a crucial option to claim property, get property, and utilize the property as indicated by the zone be it a business territory for big business purposes. The third issue is that in controlling a grown-up amusement, the city has taken the private property of the proprietors for an open decent. The administration has made the move to interfere with the responsibility for and has power that property to never again be useful to that proprietor. This establishes a takings by the legislature and the proprietors ought to be made up for its misfortunes. This is the most grounded contention for the activity in suit to determine the question for the benefit of the NYAEE. Holding. It is imperative to incorporate some significant case law that conjures the issue of a takings all together help the contention of a takings in this occurrence. In the Penn Central Transportation v. New York City 1978, the court's pondering found that the activity by the city didn't establish a takings. Equity Brennan found that the financial effect, the physical attack by the administration, the noteworthy effect of the property in the domain of opportunity and capacity, and the guideline was intended to advance the benefit of general society, were the situation to decide for the city, that these perspectives were address in the right way. Utilizing Brennan's scale in the Adult Entertainment debate, the administration is causing a negative monetary
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Globalization and Perception on War
Globalization and International Organizations Assignment Submitted By A. S. M. Iqbal Bahar Rana. ID # 103-0007-085 MPPG Program, North South University Date: 14. 11. 2011 Do you think the approach of data transformation has changed the manner in which war is seen by the West? Assuming this is the case, what are the ramifications of such changes for ineffectively administered nations of the world? Presentation: The German scholar Hegel held that upheavals are the train of history. As indicated by his hypothesis, each social, political, and monetary framework develops strains and logical inconsistencies after some time. Inevitably these detonate in upset. One can't make an upset in the manner that a designer plans a structure. Nor is it conceivable to control unrests like a director drives a symphony. Transformations are excessively huge and complex for that. The individuals who live in progressive occasions can just settle on a thousand little choices and expectation that they push history ahead in the ideal bearing. Around the globe today we see the developing modernity and fast worldwide dissemination of ground-breaking new data innovations, the mergers of immense correspondence realms, key collusions across outskirts, and the multiplying of intensity and the dividing of the cost of figuring at regular intervals (Moore's Law). The Information Revolution, ethno-political clashes, globalization †every one of these three uber patterns is independently significant for all countries' future; together, they are reclassifying the worldwide setting inside which governments and residents must settle on day by day choices in the years to come. In this way, their crossing point ought to comprise a focal worry of researchers, strategy producers, and residents. In a time of globalization, national security has an alternate significance. Country expresses no longer have a syndication on the methods for intimidation. Regardless of whether atomic weapons had a hindrance esteem during the Cold War, today they have none as the reasons for frailty, as a rule, are monetary breakdown and internecine clash, and not outside hostility. The data age has altered the instrument of delicate force and the chances to apply them. The capacity of a country to extend the intrigue of its thoughts, belief system, culture, financial model, and social and political foundations and to exploit its worldwide business and broadcast communications systems will use delicate force. In basic terms, the data upheaval is expanding between connectedness and heightening the pace of progress in about each component of life. This, thus, shapes the development of equipped clash. Regardless of whether in financial matters, governmental issues, or war-battling, the individuals who can get a handle on the greatness of this will be the best arranged to manage it. The utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in fighting situations has been of focal enthusiasm to governments, knowledge organizations, PC researchers and security specialists for as far back as two decades (Arquilla and Ronfeldt 1997; Campen and Dearth 1998; Singer 2009). . ICTs offered ascend to the most recent unrest in military issues (RMA) by giving new devices and procedures of taking up arms †like system driven fighting (NCW), and incorporated order, control, interchanges, PCs, insight, observation, and surveillance (C4ISR). This RMA worries in the reason of military powers, as they need to manage â€Å"the fifth component of fighting, data, notwithstanding land, ocean, air and space†. Old style Perception of War: Clausewitz is under noteworthy test. It is plainly perfectly healthy in the military universities of Western states yet outside these halls different ways of thinking are in the command. A discussion keeps on seething over the degree to which Clausewitzean believing is as yet pertinent to today’s wars. From today’s vantage point, a few advancements have dissolved the intrigue and intensity of the political way of thinking of war. Initially, the idea of the war zone, so integral to the manner by which Clausewitz got fighting, has broken up. The 9/11 assaults, for example, showed that today’s battlegrounds may be Western (or other) urban areas while the US-drove ‘War on Terror’ †presently rebranded as the ‘long war’ †imagines the war zone as truly spreading over the whole globe. Later on, in any case, fights are probably not going to be restricted to planet Earth as the US specifically will be compelled to mobilize space with an end goal to secure the satellites whereupon its correspondence and data frameworks depend (Hirst 2002). Second, as the talks of both Osama container Laden and US President George W. Bramble clarify, the authority units on the two sides of the ‘War on Terror’ have regularly dismissed political accounts of fighting. Rather, they have embraced eschatological methods of reasoning in their particular energizing weeps for a worldwide jihad and a simply war against scalawags where belief system assumed a noteworthy job in taking up arms. A third issue for supporters of the political way of thinking and one which Clausewitz clearly never experienced is war including data innovation. Data innovation brings the Finally, when stood up to by ‘revolutionary’ wars which shout out for counterrevolutionary reactions, Clausewitz’s order to devastate the military powers of the foe is dangerous not on the grounds that such ‘military forces’ are frequently undefined from the neighborhood masses yet in addition since one can never be certain they have been killed ‘unless one is prepared to annihilate an enormous bit of the population’ (Rapoport 1968: 53; see additionally Chapter 26, this volume). As we have seen, any reasonable person would agree, notwithstanding, that the political way of thinking has been the most unmistakable in the customarily Anglo-American-ruled field of security contemplates (on the ethnocentric propensities of security examines see Booth 1979, Barkawi and Laffey 2006). Everything that could possibly be said all in all terms is that whatever way to deal with understanding fighting one decides to receive will have results, driving the examination in specific ways and spurning others. Inside International Relations and security contemplates fighting has ordinarily been characterized in manners that feature its social, legitimate and political measurements. Data Revolution and data Warfare: ICTs are utilized in a few battle exercises, from digital assaults to the arrangement of automated weapons and the administration of interchanges among the battling units. Such a wide range of employments makes it hard to recognize the idiosyncrasies of this wonder. Help in regard to this will originate from considering in more detail the various employments of ICTs in fighting. An assault on the data framework called smurf assault is a usage of disseminated refusal of administration (DDoS) assaults. A DDoS is a digital assault whose point is to disturb the usefulness of a PC, a system or a site. This type of assault was conveyed in 2007 against institutional Estonian sites, and all the more as of late comparable assaults have been propelled to hinder the Internet correspondence in Burma during the 2010 races. The utilization of mechanical weapons in the war zone is another approach to utilize ICTs in fighting. It is a developing marvel, coming to far reaching open notification with US armed force, which sent 150 mechanical weapons in Iraq’s war in 2004, finishing in 12,000 robots by 2008. These days, a few militaries around the globe are creating and utilizing tele-worked automated weapons, they have been sent in Iraq and Afghanistan, and progressively advanced machines are being utilized at the fringes among Israel and Palestine in the supposed ‘automatic kill zone’. These robots are trusted to identify the nearness of potential adversaries and to intercede the activity of the human officers and thus to fire on potential enemy’s targets when these are inside the range watched by the robots. A few armed forces additionally contributed their assets to convey unmanned vehicles, similar to the MQ-1 predators, which have then been utilized to hit ground targets, and to create unmanned battle air vehicles, which are intended to convey weapons and can possibly act self-governingly, similar to the EADS Barracuda, and the Northrop Grumman X-47B. Probably the most recent sort of mechanical weapon †SGR-A1 †has been conveyed by South Korea to watch the outskirt with North Korea. This robot has low-light camera and example acknowledgment programming to recognize people from creatures or different articles. It likewise has a shading camera, which can find an objective up to 500 meters, and if vital, can shoot its inherent automatic rifle. As of recently, automated weapons were tele-worked by militaries sitting miles from the battle zone. Human were kept on the up and up and were the ones who concluded whether to shoot the objective and to move the robot on the front line. The instance of SGR-A1 establishes a serious curiosity, as it has a programmed mode, wherein it can start shooting at the given objective without trusting that the human fighter will approve the activity. At long last, the administration of correspondence among the units of a military has been changed drastically by the utilization of ICTs. Correspondence is a significant part of fighting. It concerns the examination of the enemy’s assets and system and the meaning of an army’s own strategies on the war zone. NCW and C4ISR speak to a significant upheaval in this regard. A case of such upheaval is the utilization of iPhone and Android gadgets. Today, the US armed force is trying the utilization of these gadgets to get to insight information, show recordings made by rambles flying over the war zones, continually update maps and data on strategies and procedure, and, as a rule, accumulate all the fundamental data to overpower the adversary. Changing Nature of Conflict: States have been versatile notwithstanding innovative change, and regardless of the undeniably quick dispersion of data,
Teen Credit Cards free essay sample
Don’t you think life would’ve been simpler on the off chance that you had a Visa when you were more youthful? A great many people wouldn’t think, yet you more than likely would have had a superior future. Given a charge card and legitimate guidance, school destined youngsters would more than likely expertise to more readily get ready for obligation. It’s likely that finding out about Mastercards at a previous age, possibly 14 or 15, would help over the long haul. You don’t even truly need to have one, simply find out about the dangers and advantages. Possibly you’re down in your karma, stuck on the unending rollercoaster of charge card obligation. Be that as it may, perhaps this wasn’t consistently inescapable. It’s likely that if your folks permitted you and showed you how to claim a Visa when you were more youthful, you would realize the proper behavior in an obligation circumstance. Numerous guardians should, â€Å"Consider beginning your adolescent off with a charge card attached to your record. Not exclusively will your teenager acquire your great FICO assessment, yet it will likewise permit you to perceive the amount they are spending. Consider having your teenager just utilize the Visa for crises to begin with, and afterward support possibly charging what can be covered off when the bill shows up. This ideally will check your youngster from exploiting the Visa, as it is anything but difficult to let charging escape control†(Tips for your). Be that as it may, you likely won’t really have to possess a charge card in the event that you don’t accept you’re prepared. Perhaps all you need is a comprehension. †What’s interesting is that it would be extraordinary if, when you get to school, you very knew quite a bit about what Mastercards are, the way they truly work, what they need you to do, what they don’t need you to do, and the honest job that they play in your future funds. It’s one thing to build up a FICO Score, which everyone needs. It’s something else, notwithstanding, to rise up out of school with an awful FICO Score, which most understudies do today. Since understudies don’t nderstand that when they get one of these charge cards, in the event that they go over their credit limit, on the off chance that they are not on-time in covering their Visa tabs, that in truth that’s answered to the credit bureau†¦One of the least demanding approaches to set up credit, in all honesty, is the point at which you are more youthful, when you are 12, 13, 14, if your folks have great FICO scores, if yo ur folks are dependable, if your folks just included you †around then †to the entirety of their cards as an approved client, they don’t need to give you a card, they don’t need to tell you that they did that, at that point their FICO scores would turn into your FICO scores. You would build up credit dependent on their history†(Orman). So guardians, that implies at early ages, a youngsters charge card is somewhat your obligation, and the adolescent needs to take in everything from you. Having a Visa isn’t pretty much cash and learning cash the board, despite the fact that that’s what it appears as. It’s additionally about encouraging life exercises like duty. â€Å"Many guardians decide to give their young person a Mastercard on the grounds that it expands their awareness of other's expectations and in light of the fact that it assists with instructing them about taking care of cash. Giving charge cards for adolescents is a sheltered and advantageous path for children to find out about Mastercards, planning, and general funds. Learning legitimate cash the board is a major favorable position for an adolescent and will be valuable in the future†(Garrett). Not exclusively does having a charge card give an awareness of other's expectations, yet in addition a limited quantity of obligation can have positive impacts in a teen’s confidence and self-see. Scientists have had two contending perspectives on how obligation may influence people’s self-idea, Dwyer said. Some have said obligation should have beneficial outcomes since it assists individuals with putting resources into their future†(Grabmeier). So even with obligation, possessing a Visa is a compensating experience. Despite the fact that giving more youthful teenagers a charge card to help them would be a good thought on paper, some of the time it tends to be dangerous in light of the fact that adolescents most likely won’t know it all, and might wind up in a difficult situation. State, for example, there is a teenager that accepts they ought to get anything they desire, regardless of what it costs, similar to a $300 shirt, â€Å"That kind of conduct goes into school, where she’s now given a charge card, and she currently begins to dissident and she purchases everything and anything she needs on that Visa since she needs to resemble different children, she needs to feel like different children. The reality of the situation is you need to think past that†¦ think past this one sweater or this one, cool arrangement on eBay, or on Amazon, and that you’re setting aside cash. It’s not. Is it accurate to say that you are setting aside cash? †It’s, â€Å"Is this a need? Or on the other hand is this a need? †Because when you graduate school, when you are all alone, as life goes further on, you might be the one answerable for the understudy credit obligation that you’ve made (Orman). Not exclusively is recklessnes s at times a major issue with credit, however there are likewise numerous different perils, for example, wholesale fraud. â€Å"Young individuals, 18-29 years old, are the main objective for character cheats, as per Quest, a correspondences organization that is attempting to bring issues to light of the issue (Schonberger). Wholesale fraud can occur whenever, and wherever, and a few youngsters probably won't realize how to deal with it in the event that it ever occurs. In any case, if a high schooler is shown right on time by their folks that everything that they do will affect their future, and that the Visa isn’t only a bit of plastic that hands out free cash without any hidden obligations, at that point adolescents would have an a lot littler possibility of constraining themselves into obligation and might be progressively careful of their Visa security. The key†¦ is the inclusion of guardians in showing kids how to utilize both credit and charge cardsâ€and in checking their childrens utilization of plastic. You dont give a kid an instrument and state, ‘Plunk around on this for some time a check whether you can figure out how to play,’ she said. ‘The demonstration of giving children a Visa or a platinum card isnt going to give them great cash the board propensities. There must instruct and practicing’†(Levine). Guardians consistently assume a significant job in their teen’s training; why stop with school, when you can show something helpful. More youthful individuals ought to get Visas or possibly a training in them, since it would apply vital life exercises and set them up for their future. Sending a high schooler carelessly into existence without assistance or direction presumably isn’t the best thought. On the off chance that you don’t think your high schooler is prepared for a charge card, avoid any and all risks and set them up with a made sure about Mastercard. Made sure about Visas, where you or your kids (or both) store a specific sum into a record, and your kids can figure out how to oversee cash the manner in which most grown-ups do.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Marketng Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marketng - Research Paper Example This paper will examine both the Coca Cola’s customary advertising blend and the web promoting blend in as to its business activities in the UK showcase. While breaking down the organization structure, plainly the intensity of Coke items raised the organization to the highest point of the world’s soda pop industry. The organization has been presenting convenient changes in bundling. Notwithstanding, the organization gives extraordinary accentuation on client interests while presenting any change. For example, Coca Cola presented another formula for Coke in 1985 and it was dismissed in the market. Along these lines, the organization returned to the ‘classic’ Coke so as to more readily serve the client needs (â€Å"Coke Lore..†). At present, the organization creates and showcases more than 2800 drink items including Sprite, Fruitopia, and Fanta. The bundling size reaches from 300 mL to 2 liters. Reviews show that the Coke is one of the notable exchange mark the word. The company’s well brand picture increases the value of its market notoriety. Coca Cola follows an opposition based valuing technique to keep up its piece of the overall industry since countless firms are working under soda pop industry. Henceforth, the cost of Coca Cola marks prominently shifts with time. Notwithstanding, it is recognized that the organization costs are promptly acknowledged in the market because of its expanded pace of interest. What's more, the organization carries changes to its value structure as per occasional interest vacillations. To delineate, Coca Cola the executives sets more significant expenses for its beverage items throughout the late spring season and brings down the costs in the start of the winter season. Coca Cola is one of the main worldwide brands and henceforth it is effectively accessible over the globe. By and by, Coca Cola items are disseminated to in excess of 200 nations under almost 450 brands (â€Å"The chronicle..†). The organization explicitly centers around requirements and inclinations of every district or nation
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
624 Hours Columbia, MO
624 Hours Columbia, MO The last time I wrote a post as I was flying at some undetermined altitude over some undetermined state in the Midwest. I’m now writing, I can say with complete accuracy, that I am flying over Elmira, NY at 24,998 feet*. I hate you, technology. But sometimes you are a cool cat. I spent the last 26 days in my hometown â€" Columbia, MO. Located in the heart of the Show-Me State, Columbia is a lively college town, except for the parts like this: (I call this one, What The Two Hour Drive To The Airport Looks LikeThe Entire Time) Teeming with basketball fans, college kiddos, and old folks who really like our retirement communitiesah, screw it. I cannot keep up with the Nicholas Kristof/Frank Bruni writing. Here’s what’s been going on in my life: I had a conversation with a friend that went a little something like this: Me: “Man, I really love wrapping Christmas presents and loading the dishwasher. If only I could make a living out of doing these things.†Maita: “Like being a housewife?†Me: * And then I went back to reading my Martha Stewart Living magazine. [*Just got to say that I have a poop-ton of respect for housewives everywhere. It is EXHAUSTING. I love you, Mom!] So anyway, after that moment of brief defiance against social constructions, I decided to embrace my newfound sense of domesticness and set out to make a bunch of stuff. Because if I was going to do the housewife thing over break, I was going to do it like a good MIT student: I made some peach pie and I made chicken pot pie from scratch (do not laugh at my n00b crust-decorating skills, it was my first one): But then I decided that it wasn’t masochistic enough to use pre-made dough so I made cinnamon rolls from scratch. I should also mention that I love cooking but hate baking, so I did this entirely out of the desire to hardcore om nom nom on these suckers to prove my domestic prowess. We had ridiculously hot weather while I was here (it was 67 degrees when I left home today), but last Thursday we had a freak snow storm (and by “freak snow storm†I really mean “it’s been 60 degrees all winter so when we had a couple inches of snow my town forgot how to handle itâ€) and my little broskie got a snow day. Naturally, chocolate chip banana pancakes and pizza you-guessed-it from scratch was in order: Then on Sunday, my mom and I came together to create one uber Housewifeformerâ„¢ and churned out three outfits for our new dog, Scooter (who deserves his own blog post and will be getting one soon). They were fashioned out of Ryan’s old sweatpants and sweatshirts and some scrap fabric. All together now â€" WE SO RIDIKALUS. And last, but not least, I made a video. Now is this one over-achieving blog post or whaht?! (Not quite back in Boston yet, but we are almost over Albany, which is close enough.) *I’m totally not anymore. Sitting in Simmons. Peace out home fries!
Monday, June 22, 2020
Foreign direct investment and production - Free Essay Example
Foreign Direct Investment There are several theories that seek to explain why FDI takes place. These theories try to explain why firms go to the trouble of acquiring or establishing operations aboard. Such theories include Dunning Eclectic Paradigm, Vernon Life Cycle and Knickerbocker Model to name a few. Your report should illustrate use of such theories to evaluate the rationale for foreign direct investment for a leading player in your chosen industry. Foreign direct investment is also known as internationalization, and is where a company establishes a presence abroad and invests in land, labour, capital, technology, equipment, and such as. Foreign direct investment then enables a company to become a multinational enterprise. For example; Adidas, Siemens, Nokia, Shell. In a perfectly competitive economy, there would be no foreign direct investment. It is also important to take in to consideration how a foreign company can participate in a market that it is unfamiliar with, and it will already be at a disadvantage to local businesses. Stephen Hymer said: for firms to own and control foreign value-adding activities they must possess some kind of innovatory, cost, financial or marketing advantages specific to their ownership which is sufficient to outweigh the disadvantages they face in competing with indigenous firms in the country of production There are many advantages of foreign direct investment. These include the opportunity for cheaper labour, or cheaper production facilities; new markets and therefore a new target market; access to new technology. It also gives smaller companies an easier route in to the international market. In recent years it has become much easier to run companies abroad due to lower international communication costs, the internet, and the ever growing low cost airlines. A large percentage of foreign direct investment is due to mergers and acquisitions, and can often be in the form of machinery, buildings, and equipment. In general, larger companies play a major role in investing in small companies. However, this does not usually entail the larger company buying out the smaller company as there is too big of a risk of failing. The risk of a manufacturer making an investment is the possibility of selling only a small number of the product. Because foreign direct investment has become so popular and so successful, it can sometimes be hard to identify the nationality of a product. A survey was taken on car in the United States, and it emerged that only 37% of the parts of US cars were actually American. The Dunning Eclectic Partigan basically says that if a company wants to enter a foreign market from a local base, then it must have firm specific advantages or be able to acquire these at a very low cost. This includes human capital, patents, new technology etc. Despite this, it must be more beneficial for a company to use these than it would be for them to sell them to a different company or even to license them. Samsung electronics is the largest manufacturer in Korea. Korea is an ideal country for foreign direct investment and for a manufacturing plant because the country is poor in raw materials but rich in highly skilled people. Samsung joined the electronics industry as it had the capacity for high income elasticity, it would produce lots of jobs, and there was the opportunity for a very high return. The Samsung group counts for 20% of South Koreas exports. It was only in the 90s, almost 50 years into business, that Samsung became an international enterprise and not only secured a number of businesses abroad but also became the market leader for some electronic components. AT the end of the 1980s Samsung were merely copying other American and Japanese brands, especially where mobile phones were concerned. Today, almost all of the products that Samsung make are their own. Now, not only are Samsung the market leader for mobile phones, but also for flat screen televisions and computers, and memory chips. In 1982, Samsung joined the United States and Japan in making memory chips, and by 1992, merely ten years later, Samsung was not only the number one producer, but also the second largest supplier in the world. In 1989, Samsung entered the LCD market. Until this time Japanese producers dominated 90% of the world market, but by 1996 Samsung had once again become the market leader, and this was to be the case until 2002. Samsung say that their success was due to three points; research and development, organization, and production. Research and development: Samsung have always kept a very close eye on their competitors, and have always kept a close working relationship between their producers and their technological developers. If an idea comes to a dead end, then the idea is kept for future reference and is therefore already ready to be incorporated in to new products. Organization: Samsung say that they try to keep to their deadlines and allow their staff, that is, their producers and developers, to move from group to group. Enabling this interaction means that there is in general a better understanding of the product and opens up opportunities for further product developments and improvements. Production The research and development and the organization lead to quick but good quality production. Samsung require new and complicated production lines on a regular basis and organization and research and development are key. Raymond Vernon said that there are four stages; introduction, growth, maturity and decline. And where the product is produced depends on the stage that it is at. If the product is in its introduction stage then it will be produced locally and then in time exported to countries with similar needs, similar expectations, and similar incomes. In the growth stage, the company will usually move to a foreign country (foreign direct investment perhaps), due to lower production costs, cheaper labour. It is also in the growth stage that other producers will begin to make similar products and these will be sold in the local market to create both growth of the product and demand. Samsung began in 1938 in Daegu with a mere 40 employees. During the growth stage, Samsung did not have to move to a foreign country. As I mentioned before, South Korea was, and is, the perfect country to produce electrical products in. In the 1980s Samsung became Samsung Electronics Co, and by 1990 Samsung had business in Malaysia, Taiwan and United Arab Emirates. The third stage is the maturity stage. This is when the company who can produce the goods for the lowest cost, wins, effectively. Stage for is the decline. This is when a product is no longer needed, or has been replaced, or the only places that demand the product are less economically developed countries. The President of Samsung Electronics Co said we move on, if other companies catch up. In 2004 Samsung joined forces with Sony for the production of liquid crystal for flat screen televisions. There are many advantages to this; increase in world market share, reduce costs due to an increase in production and sales, and reduced risk. Samsung say that their success is due to the fact that they develop products for niche markets with fatter margins. They have a simple approach to business organization, research and development, and keeping production costs low.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Wwii After World War I - 1197 Words
Katherine Carley Honors U.S. History Ms.Sanyigo 22 November 2014 1920s Homework After World War I, many Americans feared the idea that communism would spread, they called this concern â€Å"The Red Scare†. Americans were wary of the spreading of communism after the Russian Revolution, in their paranoia America attempted to block new incomers, especially eastern and southern Europeans. In addition to The Red Scare, there were limited jobs in America, because of this generations of workers whose families had immigrated before the 1900s, began to view new incomers as a threat because they would work for lower pay and further reduce the jobs available for the nativists . Due to these concerns, immigration regulations went into effect. For instance,†¦show more content†¦While Prohibition did lessen the amount of alcohol Americans had access to, it was not successful in completely eliminating all liquor. Prohibition’s influence on American society was contrary to the original purpose. Many people wanted alcohol and they were willing to risk brea king the law. Organizations called speakeasies were run by bootleggers who served alcohol illegally, thus increasing crime rates. This contradicted the original purpose of the Prohibition Act. Specifically, Alphonse Capone did everything the Eighteenth Amendment had prohibited, by controlling the alcohol black-market. The Eighteenth Amendment was an essential part of American history because it heightened crime rates as mobsters distributed illegal alcoholic beverages. Some Americans also argued that the Eighteenth Amendment was unconstitutional, saying â€Å"the Eighteenth Amendment exceeded certain limits on the constitutional amending process as well as falling short of a number of procedural qualifications†(National Prohibition Cases (1920)). People believed the federal government was going past their boundaries and could not make these decisions. This caused Americans to disregard the amendment entirely. After World War I, there was a quick recession between 1920-1921 because unemployment rose dramatically. However, soon after Herbert Hoover, the current Secretary of Commerce, was able to convince business leaders to raise salaries and production rates. This lead
Monday, May 18, 2020
catcher and the rye answers to study questions - 2504 Words
Chapter 1 1. Holden is the narrator of the entire story and he promises to tell the story of his crazy Christmas 2. DB is Holden’s brother and he calls him a prostitute because he sells himself as a writer. 3. Pencey Prep is the school Holden attends. 4. Holden is leaving because he failed all his classes but one, he feels passive. Chapter 2 1. Mr. Spencer is his history teacher and Holden visits him because he is a nice guy 2. Holden describes himself as an average guy? 3. Mr. Spencer reads the essay because it is a failure of an essay, a joke. Holden is not happy by having the essay read aloud to him. 4. Whooton and Elkton Hills are old schools, which Holden left because they stunk too. Chapter 3 1. Holden bought a red hat in†¦show more content†¦3. Holden thinks about Dick because he notices the raggedy suitcases owned by the Nuns, just like Dick. 4. Holden actually respects the Nuns and does not consider them fake. Chapter 16 1. Holden has time to spare and begins to walk around, he decides to head to the record store to buy a gift for Phoebe. 2. Holden sees the boy singing, â€Å"Comin’ Thro the Rye†This cheers Holden up a bit. 3. Holden doesn’t usually like movies and shows and has little interest in seeing the movie be bought tickets for, â€Å"I know my love.†As usual, he considers actors to be phonies. 4. Holden liked the museum as a kid because everything seemed to stay right; everything there stayed the same where as every time he went there, he was different. By the time he gets to the museum however, he no longer wishes to go. Chapter 17 1. Harris Macklin is an actor in the movie; Holden doesn’t like him because he believes he is too good at what he does and is probably full of himself. 2. He tells her this to get her to make out with him, it works. 3. Holden considers him a phony because Sally is flirting with him and he is slightly pretentious, no this boy is not a phony. 4. They go skating mostly so Sally can show off her legs and rear. It works, however they are both terrible skaters and quit skating after a short time and head to the bar. Chapter 18 1. Holden doesn’t enjoy the movie nor the Christmas special ad, heShow MoreRelatedthe catcher in the rye ENG15011013 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Foundations in English Literary studies (ENG1501) Unique Number: 842634 Assignment 2: Fiction, Literary Criticism and Drama. Question (b): Introduction to English Literary Studies Topic(i): The Catcher in the Rye Instruction First read the third chapter of Introduction to English Literary Studies (â€Å"The Novel†). Then go to p. 102 and answer the questions on The Catcher in the Rye under the heading â€Å"Time to Write†. Task Write a list of things that Holden says in the first paragraph ofRead MoreThe Role Of Women In Catcher In The Rye1013 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Question- Give your research question (may be a working question). Give background for your question. My research question is: To what extent does J.D Salinger’s novel Catcher in the Rye explore the range of female potentiality in society through Holden’s interactions, thoughts and comments regarding women. This question is still in progress as I am not sure it can successfully reach and essay of 4000 words. Nevertheless, this is the topic I want to base myself around. Catcher in theRead MoreHolden s Journey Toward Maturity2555 Words  | 11 PagesAdditionally, Holden is constantly looking for answers to where the ducks go when not at the lagoon. For instance, â€Å"Do you happen to know where they go, the ducks when it gets all frozen over?†(Salinger 60). Holden’s concern for where the ducks go proves his anxiety and Holden feels he lacks anywhere safe to head to go in the world. Holden shows a growing ability to adapt to adult life. He also says people cannot rely on others to help them and sometimes people just have to do things without theRead MoreArrogance in The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger Essay examples1767 Words  | 8 Pagesin which many people can identify. Studies show that â€Å"1 in every 6 people is a narcissist†(Peterson, 2014, bullet 5). Many humans have encountered, know, or are a narcissistic human, but what does arrogance really mean? According to (2014), the definition of arrogance is, â€Å"an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing you are better, smarter,or more important than other people†(Def. 1). In the novels The Catcher in the Rye and Siddhartha, the main charactersRead MoreDepression in The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger Essay1334 Words  | 6 Pagesdisturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. This mental illness demonstrates to affect teens as much as it affects adults. Studies show that 20 percent of teens will experience teen depression before they reach adulthood. When you deal with depression, you often find it difficul t to live an everyday normal life. The â€Å"Catcher in the Rye†written by J.D Salinger, narrates on the main character Holden Caulfield, a hostile and negative person, who suffers from severe depression. Read MoreCatcher In The Rye Analysis1042 Words  | 5 PagesBeing a boy ostracized by friends and family, his only resort is alienation, but that takes a big toll on anyone’s mental health and he knows that he will have to grow up. In the article of Hochman and Bruce, â€Å"One way to focus closely on The Catcher in the Rye is to analyze the ways in which Holden is being childish and the ways in which he is being an adult. Holdens sometimes tentative and pathetic voice throughout the novel remains in conflict with an inner voice that seems more mature and knowingRead MoreCatcher in the Rye Archetypal Analysis3753 Words  | 16 PagesINTRODUCTION Jerome David Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, is a work of fiction and a tragic-comedy. It is an interesting and controversial novel. Though controversial, the novel appealed to a great number of people. It was a hugely popular bestseller and general critical success. I chose this novel because of the negative status it has with parents, teachers, and school. I wanted to discover what the roots of this controversy are. The main character, Holden Caulfield, tells aboutRead MoreThe Theory Of Self Orientation1957 Words  | 8 Pagesnatural world, authenticity of the individual, and the angst that comes with life, which define existentialism, would manifest themselves with the end of World War II and the onset of the Cold War. These same beliefs can be seen in J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, a novel which follows the cynical and apathetic teenager Holden Caulfield, on his journey of self-introspection and a search for his true self. Existential elements are abundant in the story, but the element of choice seems to establish itselfRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger2004 Words  | 9 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye is a popular novel written by J.D. Salinger. Published in 1951, the book was originally written for adults, but it is now remembered and adored by people from all parts of the world and people from all walks of life – especially by teenagers – a likely effect that was only inevitable considering the center stage of the narrator the great crumby flake Holden Caulfield, to use his style of speaking, who accurately portrayed teenage angst and loneliness in a style that many youngstersRead MoreThe Theory Of Self Orientation1958 Words  | 8 Pagesnatural world, authenticity of the individual, and the angst that comes with life, which define existentialism, would manifest themselves with the end of World War II and the onset of the Cold War. These same beliefs can be seen in J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, a novel which follows the cynical and apathetic teenager Holden Caulfield, on his journey of self-introspection and a search for his true self. Existential elements are abundant in the story, but the element of choice seems to establish itself
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Impact Of The North American Free Trade Agreement
The North American Free Trade Agreement was created in order to help relations between Canada, The United States, and Mexico. While Canada had previous relations with the US with free trade when Mexico became a part of the talks in 1991 thus creating the North American Free Trade Agreement otherwise known as NAFTA. The premises of the agreement are to allow trade without tariffs except on certain products to flow freely between the three countries. While NAFTA include Mexico, United States, and Canada the paper will focus on the relationship between the US and its southern neighbor Mexico, the paper will inform the reader NAFTA consists of, the controversy behind creating NAFTA, the effects of NAFTA on Mexico’s economy, environments and†¦show more content†¦NAFTA was created to making trading easier and less expensive for the actors involved to export and import with one another. When it was first introduced, there were many negotiations and ramifications that took pl ace. The premise for the negotiations and agreements was to make North America the most productive and richest market in the world and help in continuing economic growth within the countries. This however, has not been achieved and while it has contributed to cheaper goods for consumers there is still plenty to be done to create an agreement that will benefit all actors involved. As negotiations took place the outline of NAFTA began with reducing the tax on exports from the Mexico to the US by half while the US imports to Mexico tariffs were reduced to one third. Eventually within years of implementing the trade agreement most US-Mexico tariffs would be eliminated making it easier for trade to happen among the countries. There were many provision that were negotiated by all three countries to do their part in becoming better partners within one another. In the actual text of the agreement we see that along with making trade easier they are advocating to â€Å"promote conditions of fair competition in the free trade area†which would allow smaller business to gain consumers into their good and allowShow MoreRelatedImpact Of The North American Free Trade Agreement991 Words  | 4 PagesA free trade agreement is a treaty between two or more countries to establish a free trade range where commerce in goods and services can be regulated across common bor ders, and without tariffs. An extensively recognized trade agreement is the European Union. The European Union has been advantageous by providing, safety, international mobility, employment mobility, residential mobility, and tax options. However, free trade agreements are not always beneficial. This paper will illustrate the negativeRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement. One Of The Major1307 Words  | 6 Pages The North American Free Trade Agreement One of the major keys to having two or more parties successfully trade and invest with each other is the ability to make agreements peacefully and come to similar terms. Many times, people would like to trade goods and services, but cannot agree on the terms each other have made. This can obviously cause many problems with trading and is the reason many deals do not go through, which can impact not only the people involved, but many more people very negativelyRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1118 Words  | 5 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) has tremendously helped Canada and its economic well- being. On the beginning of the year of 1994, an agreement on the basis of trading between Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico was made. This agreement was based on the motive of free trade, such that of paying significantly less in import and export taxes between the three nations. NAFTA has aided North America extensively, that being said he lping Canada’s economy is no exception to it’sRead MoreEvaluating Naft Was It Worth It?1229 Words  | 5 Pagesworth it? In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was enacted between two industrial countries and a yet still developing nation. This was an agreement that was the first of its kind due to the relationship that the countries had and the investment opportunities that it presented. The United States, Canada, and developing Mexico decided to work towards eliminating most tariffs and non-tariff barriers between the three in order to increase the flow of trade in goods and services.Read MoreNAFTA Case Study1586 Words  | 7 PagesS. exports to Mexico. Within 10 years of the execution of the agreement, all U.S.-Mexico levies were to be eliminated except some U.S. farming exports to Mexico to be eliminated inside 15 years. Most U.S.- Canada exchange was at that point duty free. NAFTA likewise tried to take out non-duty exchange barriers and to secure the intellectual property rights on traded items. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: The North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act rolled out a few improvements to the copyrightRead MoreNafta Essay1377 Words  | 6 PagesINTRODUCTION TO NAFTA: The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect on January 1, 1994 (Free Trade Agreements, 2016). The agreement was marked by President George H.W. Bush on December 17, 1992 as the primary period of his Enterprise for The Americas Initiative (EA) and endorsed by Congress on November 20, 1993. The NAFTA Implementation Act was marked into law by President William J. Clinton on December 8, 1993. NAFTA eliminates tariffs and other trade barriers on goods and servicesRead MoreBasic Equivalent Of The Border1354 Words  | 6 Pagesto smuggling, free trade, and border enforcement. Among the cultural differences, the levels of social society class, and comparison between the Third World and the Superpower countries, both the United States and Mexico share a difficult border relationship. Despite the hindrances of violence, corruption, security and criminal activity, the opportunity to capitalize in money making investments was highly present. With the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) tradingRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1711 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper will discuss four components of the North American Free Trade Agreement: Background, events, pros and cons. Upon the research, you will discover four online articles to provide more detail and examples. This research will indicate how it was developed and the reasoning on why it would benefit the nation. Also, it will provide events that occur after the agreement was signed by congress and the recession the countries experience during the early 2000s. There will be a chart locatedRead MoreNorth American Free Trade Agreement981 Words  | 4 Pagesforms of trade in order to benefit themselves and their communities. From bartering in Ancient Egypt, to the international trading the world has today, trading has found its way into various sectors of modern civilization. The idea of free trade dates back to sixteenth century Spain and it was believed by certain economists to be the reason why certain civilizations flourished more than others. Free trade was an idea The U.S., Canada and Mexico struck gold with when they implemented the North AmericanRead MoreEssay On Nafta1182 Words  | 5 PagesKey term As a result of extensive research on various topics, the one area there has been on the rise and is subject to further debate and analysis is the North American free trade agreement. This particular treaty is of interest owing to the current globalization that is fast consuming economies across the world as well as the change in leadership in the three countries involved. As a result, this essay takes into account the current economic state of the world about the increased competition;
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and Bladerunner
Similarities between Frankenstein and Bladerunner Many similarities can be found between Mary Shelleys 1816 novel, Frankenstein and the 1982 movie Bladerunner . The number of similarities between these two works, created more than two hundred years apart, is staggering. A cursory look at both works reveals these similarities: Both stories feature a very intelligent person trying to play God through the creation of life. Both of the creatures were subsequently mistreated by their maker and society as a whole. In both stories, the audience is left feeling greater sympathy for the monster than for the creator. Both stories contain a very intelligent creator who seems unaware of the forces that they are dealing with. They†¦show more content†¦Are the Replicants revered or given special treatment because of this? No, in fact, they are treated as slaves and hunted down when they return to the birthplace of the human race. Both creators are faced with limited tools in which to create their new lifeforms, ...but my imagination was too much exalted by my first success to permit me to doubt of my ability to give life to an animal as complex and wonderful as man. The materials at present within my command hardly appeared adequate to so arduous an undertaking... (pg 53). This lack of materials causes both creations to suffer with characteristics that make them very different from the rest of humanity. Frankensteins monsters image was very disgusting, ...and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! -Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; ...only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shriveled complexion and black lips (pg 57), while Tyrells replicants are without the ability to feel empathy, and have a four year life span. These differences force the creatures to confront those that created them. Frankensteins
Essay on Biography of President Barack Obama Free Essays
Barack Hussein Obama jr. was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He grew up with his father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Biography of President Barack Obama or any similar topic only for you Order Now , and mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. He went to college first at Occidental college in Los Angeles in 1989, then went to Columbia University, where he graduated in 1983, and finally went to Harvard Law school in 1991, where he met his wife, Michelle Robinson Obama. They had two daughters, Malia Obama and Natasha â€Å"Sasha†Obama. Constitutional Issues Barack Obama faced many Constitutional Issues during his presidency. One significant issue he faced was in regards to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as Obamacare. Obamacare increases the affordability of healthcare, providing more people with healthcare. It was extremely controversial, with republicans, in general, strongly opposing the reform, and democrats, in general, strongly supporting it. One of the most controversial and central parts of obamacare is that it was required that everyone not receiving healthcare, is required to pay for it, with exceptions for people with enough financial hardships that the insurance would cost more than eight percent of their household income or certain religious groups. This was controversial because there was a tax penalty for all people not exempted, but had remained uninsured, causing the debate over whether or not congress could penalize people for not buying healthcare. In 2012, this debate ended up in the supreme court, with a 5-4 ruling that it was indeed constitutional. Another significant issue Obama faced during his presidency was the Iraq war. In addition to Obamacare, ending the Iraq war is one thing that Obama is widely known for. The war began in March 2003 because the Bush administration believed that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and that Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s tyrannical dictator, was housing terrorists. Even from the beginning, Obama opposed the war, though at the time, many people disagreed with him. In August of 2010, Obama announced that the U.S.’s combat mission in Iraq had ended, but the troops were going to stay in order to support the Iraqi soldiers. By June of 2011, 100,000 troops had already left Iraq. Despite Obamacare and the Iraq war being the largest constitutional issues during Barack Obama’s presidency, there were a number of other issues. These include when, in February of 2015, Obama spoke to the nation about, and in favor of the prospect of legalizing marijuana, in mid-2015, when same-sex marriage was legalized in the U.S., and First Lady Michelle Robinson Obama was born on January 17, 1964 in Chicago, Illinois. She always was incredible in school, and even skipped 2nd grade. For college, she went to Princeton University and graduated in 1985. She later entered Harvard Law School and graduated. After graduating from Harvard, Michelle Obama joined the Chicago corporate-law firm of Sidley ; Austin and mentored Barack Obama who was a Harvard law student at the time and had joined the firm as an intern in 1988. She married Barack Obama in 1992 and was quickly plunged into politics. During Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, Michelle Obama was a crucial part of their campaigning; touring the country with him, and even sometimes made her own appearances to support him. In addition, Michelle Obama had her own goals and was able to work towards them during her husband’s presidency. During Barack Obama’s presidency, Michelle Obama fought the epidemic of obesity in America, promoting physical activity and healthy eating. She started the program Let’s Move! in February 2010, which encouraged everyone to make healthier changes. Often, she would visit schools and invite children to the white house where they would tend to her vegetable garden in order to promote healthy lifestyles. She traveled to foreign countries with and without the president, with the intent to improve the relationship with those countries. In addition, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden worked together and launched a program that supported the families of military members in April 2011. Summary of Administration Barack Obama’s presidency began in November of 2008 and ended in January of 2017. He had 8 years in office. During those years, he did many notable things. In 2009, Obama was very active. In February of 2009, he signed a $787 billion spending plan to prompt the economy, announced a salary limit of $500,000 for top executives that had requested federal bailouts, and started a $75 billion plan to help 9 million Americans faced with mortgage problems. In May, he made first supreme court nomination, judge Sonia Sotomayor who was the first Latina supreme court justice and third women on the top court. In the summer, after Obamacare was put into effect, it took over media headlines, causing immense controversy. Obama’s first act in 2010 was in April, after the explosion of an oil rig in the Gulf of mexico, when he met with victims of the explosion and established a $20 billion fund for the victims. In May Obama ordered 1,200 National Guard troops to enhance security along the U.S.-Mexican Border, and Fired Stanley A. McChrystal, who was the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, and replaced him with David Petraeus. In the late Spring, he gave speeches about the how education is important to the success of America. In August, he spoke to the nation, marking the end of the U.S. combat mission in Iraq. 2011 and 2012 were not as eventful as 2009 and 2010. In June of 2011, Obama spoke to the nation, announcing the withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan in July, with 33 thousand people returning home. In May of 2012, he challenged lawmakers to help Americans with mortgage and to create jobs and disclosed his belief that same-sex marriage should be legalized. On December 14, 2012, Obama faced what he called, â€Å"the hardest day of his presidency†. Students and teachers in Newton were attacked by an armed gunman, taking the lives of six adults and twenty children. Obama traveled to newton to publically speak about the tragic event, and privately meet with the families of the victims. On December 31, 2012 the government hit the limit on money allowed to borrow, which left the middle class vulnerable to higher taxes. 2013 began with Obama announcing 23 executive orders about gun control, strengthening all background checks for the purchasing of guns on January 16. His second inauguration, took place on January 21, 2013. On the first of February, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the secretary of state, stepped down and was replaced by Senator John Kerry. In September, Congress failed to raise the national borrowing limit as a result of the debt ceiling that was hit on Dec. 31, 2012. This caused 800,000 government to be forced to take a leave of absence, essentially shutting down the government. As a result of this, republican leaders demanded the defund of obamacare, a demand that obama refused to negotiate with. After 16 days, republicans gave in to president obama, allowing temporary spending bills to pass. Dr. Janet Yellen was nominated by Obama as chair of the Board of the Federal Reserve in October. She was the first woman to ever be nominated for the position. Works Cited â€Å"Affordable Care Act (2010).†Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History, edited by Thomas Riggs, 2nd ed., vol. 1, Gale, 2015, pp. 10-12. Biography In Context,;sid=BIC;xid=0294951f. Accessed 3 May 2018. â€Å"Barack Obama.†Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 74, Gale, 2009. Biography In Context,;sid=BIC;xid=88f4b098. Accessed 3 May 2018. Devaney, Sherri, and Mark Devaney. Barack Obama(JB). MI, Lucent, 2007. Freeman, Richard, et al. â€Å"Barack Obama.†, 2018, Accessed 3 May 2018. â€Å"Kathleen Sebelius.†Newsmakers, vol. 4, Gale, 2008. Biography In Context,;sid=BIC;xid=3b18062b. Accessed 3 May 2018. â€Å"Michelle Obama.†Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 61, Gale, 2007. Biography In Context,;sid=BIC;xid=bdb31a03. Accessed 3 May 2018. Nardo, Don. Barack Obama. Minneapolis, Compass Point Books, 2010. â€Å"President Map.†The New York Times, New York Times, 29 Nov. 2012, Accessed 3 May 2018. Williams, Joel, et al., editors. â€Å"Barack Obama: Vetoed Legislation.†Ballotpedia, Accessed 3 May 2018. How to cite Essay on Biography of President Barack Obama, Essays
Goal Visualization of Attack and Analysis †
Question: Discuss about the Goal Visualization of Attack and Analysis. Answer: Introduction Games can be said the best example of time passing for any human being, be it video game or game that are played in the field or any other type of game. In this paper the concept of goals in a game will be discussed. Every game must have a purpose r goal to be solved, if there is no motive then the player will not have any interest in the game after a certain time. Games has already explored a huge concept possible ranges and are to be explore more. Goals can be defined as the aim of doing or completing a certain task (Hibi et al., 2015). In video games the basic aim is to complete the real goal that is completing of the goal that the game is designed for. There are few types of goals that are implement in any game, Point competition: The point completion is to collect the maximum point by the end of the game. Scoring points opens up new goals of a game or opens up new possibilities. Races: Here the goal is to get to the best position available or scoring the best point. An example of this is the NFS racing game where the aim is to achieve the first position in any race. Elimination: Here the concept is to achieve the best position or else to get eliminated from the race (Putri, Suyanto and Al Fatta,, 2017). A good example of this is the chess game, where if the movement of the operation of is better the users avatar gets eliminated. Real goals: The Real goal can be explained as the one task which is needed to finish at the end of the game. An example of this is the FIFA football game, where the main aim of a plyer is to represent as a dream foot ball player one wishes to become in real life. Sub goals: Sub goals can be defined as the goals which needs to be completed aside from the main goal. One of the best expel of this is the FIFA games, manager mode or the player mode. In the beginning of the video games, the first ever video game developed, the aim was to play tennis like game between two plyers, subsequently the games developed, and the aims and the objectives became more advanced with the graphics of the games (Mun, 2015). As the games developed further, the concepts and types of the challenges and the goals increased. In the FIFA 2018 editions which is virtual foot game, the primary goal is to complete the journey of a player from being selected in a specific club and to become one of the best player subsequently. The there are also sub goals where the user needs to complete other thigs like the manager part, scoring goals, completing drills and earning points. Conclusion Thus, concluding the topic it can be said that the goal is one of the major aspect for any developer who is designing a game. A game without a goal is a game without any reason to play, and hence is a must need. References (2018). FIFA 18 - Soccer Video Game - EA SPORTS Official Site. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Mar. 2018]. Hibi, H., Kameoka, Y., Uchiyama, S. and Yamamoto, Y., 2015, November. Visualization of attack and analysis of play affect goal in soccer game. InICT and Knowledge Engineering (ICT Knowledge Engineering 2015), 2015 13th International Conference on(pp. 15-18). IEEE. Mun, J., 2015. The effect of game playing, goal orientation, and game difficulty level on subsequent creative new product development outcomes: A multi-process account. Putri, P.H., Suyanto, M. and Al Fatta, H., 2017, November. Perancangan Game Design Document Serious Game Permainan Tradisional Angklek Sleman Yogyakarta. InSeminar Nasional Informatika (SNIf)(Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-7).
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Underclassman Advice free essay sample
If I could give an underclassman some advice, I would definitely give it about school, family, and relationships. As you grow up, you will soon realize how much time is worth; also, stay out of trouble! Nobody wants to be grounded when they could be out with their friends. My first piece of advice is to work hard in school. To be a good student, you must do your best in everything you do. Do your homework! Put all of your effort into each and every test and assignment.No matter how young you are, you need to start y researching about the life you wish to have, and the places you want to go to be successful in your eyes. My second piece of advice is to always love your family. I know, parents can be tough, but know that they mean well. Family is a very Important thing in life. We will write a custom essay sample on Underclassman Advice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are the people that will always be there, no matter what you have done. Listen to your parents. Before you know it, you will be saying goodbye to them, heading off onto a road that is unfamiliar, but they have to believe in you and hope that everything they have taught you will be enough.Dont let them down. My last please of advice Is to not be wrapped up In your lover throughout high school. You dont need to rely on somebody else and then expect to be independent after you guys break up. Most relationships dont last In high school anyways, so why wait for the harsh break up? All of this advice will help you grow up and be a good student, perfect daughter/son, and live a drama free life throughout high school. A student shouldnt worry because of unneeded stress, for they should Just have fun. I hope that you will use this advice and actually get something out of It. Just be mature and do your best.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Free Essays on Islam in the African American Experience
In his incisive book, Islam in the African American Experience, Richard Brent Turner takes the reader through the evolution of Islam in black America. First, he discusses the â€Å"old Islam†brought over with the slaves. Then turner describes how â€Å"new Islam†was formed out of Pan-Africanist and Black Nationalistic doctrines of the late nineteenth century. Finally, Turner goes on to talk about different sects of new Islam in the black community. Part one of the book is called â€Å"Root Sources†. In it, Turner comprehensively demonstrates how he believes that, â€Å"The new American Islam was deeply influenced by racism in America, by the Pan-African political movement of African Americans in the early twentieth century, and by the historic patterns of racial separation in Islam.†(p.67) Turner utilizes Part one to set the stage for the â€Å"new Islam†of the twentieth century discussed in part two. In the first chapter, titled â€Å"Muslims in a Strange Land: American Muslim Slaves in America†, Turner describes for the reader the early evolution of Islam among blacks in West Africa. He also describes how that same brand of â€Å"old Islam†would follow African Slaves across the Atlantic to the shores of North America. Turner focuses on how Islam spread to West Africa, and how it was adapted and changed by the natives. North African Muslims helped plant the seeds for West African Islam through their encounters with sub-Saharan Africans by way of a slave trade. Often times these Arabs and North Africans would settle in the West African towns, creating an Islamic presence in the town. Natives were generally impressed with their intellect and religious beliefs. One thing that the Muslims offered that caught the attention of the West Africans was a chance to become literate by way of learning Arabic. Later, â€Å"teachers and messengers†of Islam would arriv e in West Africa. This was a catalyst for the mass conversion of Wes... Free Essays on Islam in the African American Experience Free Essays on Islam in the African American Experience In his incisive book, Islam in the African American Experience, Richard Brent Turner takes the reader through the evolution of Islam in black America. First, he discusses the â€Å"old Islam†brought over with the slaves. Then turner describes how â€Å"new Islam†was formed out of Pan-Africanist and Black Nationalistic doctrines of the late nineteenth century. Finally, Turner goes on to talk about different sects of new Islam in the black community. Part one of the book is called â€Å"Root Sources†. In it, Turner comprehensively demonstrates how he believes that, â€Å"The new American Islam was deeply influenced by racism in America, by the Pan-African political movement of African Americans in the early twentieth century, and by the historic patterns of racial separation in Islam.†(p.67) Turner utilizes Part one to set the stage for the â€Å"new Islam†of the twentieth century discussed in part two. In the first chapter, titled â€Å"Muslims in a Strange Land: American Muslim Slaves in America†, Turner describes for the reader the early evolution of Islam among blacks in West Africa. He also describes how that same brand of â€Å"old Islam†would follow African Slaves across the Atlantic to the shores of North America. Turner focuses on how Islam spread to West Africa, and how it was adapted and changed by the natives. North African Muslims helped plant the seeds for West African Islam through their encounters with sub-Saharan Africans by way of a slave trade. Often times these Arabs and North Africans would settle in the West African towns, creating an Islamic presence in the town. Natives were generally impressed with their intellect and religious beliefs. One thing that the Muslims offered that caught the attention of the West Africans was a chance to become literate by way of learning Arabic. Later, â€Å"teachers and messengers†of Islam would arriv e in West Africa. This was a catalyst for the mass conversion of Wes...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Why Obama Won the 08 Presidential Election
Why Obama Won the 08 Presidential Election Barack Obama decisively won the presidential election, for many solid reasons and due to many factors, including weaknesses of his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain. This article enumerates and explains the five top reasons why Obama won win the 2008 race to become the 44th President of the United States. Reasons Why Barack Obama Won the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election Reason #1 - Empathy and Genuine Help for Middle-Class Americans Barack Obama gets what it means for a family to worry financially, to work hard simply to make it, and to do without essentials. Obama was born to a teenage mother, abandoned by his father at age two, and raised largely in a small apartment by his middle-class grandparents. At one point, Obama, his mother, and younger sister relied on food stamps to put meals on the family table. Michelle Obama, close counselor and best friend to her husband, and her brother were similarly raised in modest circumstances in a one-bedroom apartment on the south side of Chicago. Both Barack and Michelle Obama speak frequently about what it means for middle-class Americans to be at a disadvantage financially and otherwise. Because they get it, both Obamas refer with heartfelt eloquence to middle-class fears, including to: the climbing unemployment ratethe staggering home foreclosure rate gripping the nationcrashing 401(k) and pension plans, leaving retirements in limbo48 million Americans without healthcare insurancehigh percentages of public schools failing our childrenthe continuing struggle of middle-class families to balance work and parenting demands In vivid contrast, John and particularly Cindy McCain exude an aura of financial insularity and well-heeled elegance. Both were born wealthy, and have been quite wealthy for their entire lives. When cornered by Pastor Rick Warren several months ago, John McCain defined rich as I think if youre just talking about income, how about 5 million. Middle-class anger is palpable about economic fairness in these unusually tough financial times, and subsequent to what many viewed as President Bushs $700 billion bailout of rich Wall Streeters. Obama offered actual, understandable policy solutions to help middle-class Americans, including: a detailed 12-point program to repair the economy for middle-class families, including a $1,000 tax cut, creation of 5 million new jobs, protection of family homes from foreclosure, and reform of unfair bankruptcy laws.a Small Business Emergency Rescue Plan which includes emergency lending for small and family-owned businesses, special tax incentives, and tax cuts, and expansion of Small Business Administration support and services.a specific plan to reform Wall Street practices, including new regulation of the financial markets, to blunt the greedy influence of special interests, crackdown on manipulation of financial markets, and more. John McCains tin ear on middle-class financial woes were evident in his prescription for the economy: more tax-cuts for major corporations, and continuation of the Bush tax cuts for U.S. millionaires. And this McCain stance is consistent with his stated desires to slash Medicare and privatize Social Security. The American public is fed-up with failed Bush/McCain economics, which claim that prosperity will eventually trickle down to everyone else. Obama won the presidential race largely because voters correctly perceive that he, and not John McCain, care about and will address middle-class economic struggles and inequities. Reason #2 - Steady Leadership and Calm Temperament As of October 21, 2008, Barack Obama earned more than 120 newspaper endorsements, versus 33 for John McCain. Without exception, every Obama endorsement referred to his presidential-like personal and leadership qualities. And all echo the same basics about Obamas calm, steady, thoughtful nature, versus McCains impetuousness and unpredictability. Explained The Salt Lake Tribune, which has rarely endorsed a Democrat for president: Under the most intense scrutiny and attacks from both parties, Obama has shown the temperament, judgment, intellect and political acumen that are essential in a president that would lead the United States out of the crises created by President Bush, a complicit Congress and our own apathy. Summed The Los Angeles Times: We need a leader who demonstrates thoughtful calm and grace under pressure, one not prone to volatile gesture or capricious pronouncement... as the presidential race draws to its conclusion, it is Obamas character and temperament that come to the fore. It is his steadiness. His maturity. And from The Chicago Tribune, founded in 1847, which has never before endorsed a Democrat for the presidency: We have tremendous confidence in his intellectual rigor, his moral compass and his ability to make sound, thoughtful, careful decisions. He is ready... Obama is deeply grounded in the best aspirations of this country, and we need to return to those aspirations.... He has risen with his honor, grace and civility intact. He has the intelligence to understand the grave economic and national security risks that face us, to listen to good advice and make careful decisions. In contrast, during the past two months of the 08 presidential campaign, John McCain acted (and overreacted) inconsistently, unpredictably, and without forethought. Two examples of McCains unsteady leadership were his erratic behavior during the financial markets meltdown, and in his poorly-vetted pick of Sarah Palin as his running mate. John McCain served as the perfect foil to highlight Obamas solidly grounded leadership skills. Obamas even-keel temperament made him seem well-suited to be President for these troubled, turbulent times. And the mere image of ultra-volatile, careless John McCain in the White House was enough to scare the majority of the electorate into supporting Obama. Reason #3 - Fair, Cost-Effective Health Care Insurance Americans were finally fed-up enough with the unfairness of health care delivery in this country, to be ready to make the issue a priority in selecting a president. The U.S. is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not have a universal health care system. As a result, in 2008, more than 48 million U.S. men, women, and children have no healthcare insurance. Despite being ranked #1 in health care spending by the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. was ranked 72nd among 191 nations in 2000 in overall level of health of its citizens. And the state of U.S. healthcare deteriorated further under the Bush administration. Barack Obamas health care plan and policies will fairly ensure that every American will have access to good quality medical care services. John McCains health care plan was a stunningly radical scheme that will: still exclude millions of the uninsured,raise income taxes for most American families and,in the opinion of most experts, causes millions of employers to drop health care policies for their employees. And unbelievably, McCain wanted to deregulate the healthcare insurance industry, much as Republicans disastrously deregulated U.S. financial markets under President George Bush. Obamas Health Care Plan Briefly, Obama will make available a new plan to all Americans, including the self-employed and small businesses, to buy affordable health coverage that is similar to the plan available to members of Congress. The new plan will include: Guaranteed eligibilityNo one will be turned away from any insurance plan because of illness or pre-existing conditionsComprehensive benefitsAffordable premiums, co-pays, and deductiblesEasy enrollmentPortability and choice Employers that do not offer or make a significant contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of this plan. Most small businesses will be exempt from this mandate. The Obama plan requires only that all children have health care coverage. McCains Health Care Plan John McCains health care plan was designed to control health care costs and to deregulate, and thus enrich, the healthcare industry, and is not necessarily designed to offer health care coverage to the uninsured. For consumers, the McCain plan: required that insurance policies from employers be included in employees taxable income, along with salary and bonuses, thereby causing employees income taxes to increase;then provided a $5,000 tax credit to partially offset increased income taxes;deleted the employee health care insurance income tax deduction for all employers. Innumerable experts predicted that these massive McCain changes would: cause the taxable income of the average family of four to rise by about $7,000;cause employers to drop health care insurance for employees;would cause an increase, not decrease, in Americans without health care coverage. McCains plan was intended to push millions of Americans into the market to buy their own individual health care policies, which will be offered by a newly deregulated healthcare insurance industry. Newsweek reported, The Tax Policy Center estimates that 20 million workers will leave the employer-based system, not always voluntarily. Midsize and smaller companies are likely to drop their plans... CNN/Money added, McCain sorely lacks a plan for people in their 50s without corporate benefits, and Americans with pre-existing conditions, who would be brutally stripped of coverage if insurance crosses state lines. Observed blogger Jim MacDonald, The result... won’t be healthy competition that will lower costs for everyone. It’ll be higher costs and fewer options for the poor, the old, and the sick. That is, the people who need health care. Young, healthy, rich people won’t be affected... Obamas Plan: The Only Viable Choice In summary, Obamas plan, in which long-time health care advocate Hillary Clinton will be deeply involved, will fairly and inexpensively ensure that all Americans have access to quality health care services, but without the government providing those services. McCains so-called health care plan was intended to free the business community from providing for its employees, to enrich the healthcare insurance industry, and increase income taxes for all Americans. But not to provide health care services for the uninsured. For anyone who valued their health care insurance, Barack Obama was the only viable choice for president. Reason #4 - Withdrawal of Combat Troops from Iraq Barack Obama bested Hillary Clinton by a small margin for the 08 Democratic presidential nomination due mainly to their differing positions on the Iraq War, especially at the wars inception in 2002. Sen. Hillary Clinton voted YES in 2002 to give the Bush administration authorization to attack and invade Iraq. Sen. Clinton rightfully believes that Congress was misled by Bush, and after a while, she admitted her regret for her vote. But Clintons 2002 support for the unpopular war was brutal fact. In contrast, Barack Obama famously spoke out in late 2002 against the Iraq War before Congress voted, declaring: I dont oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt... to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne. What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income, to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. Obama on the Iraq War Obamas stance on the Iraq War is unambiguous: he plans to immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Under an Obama administration, the U.S. will not build or maintain any permanent bases in Iraq. He, of course, plans to temporarily maintain some non-combat troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats, and to complete the training of Iraq troops and police forces, as necessary. Also, Obama plans to launch the most aggressive diplomatic effort in recent American history to reach a new compact on the stability of Iraq and the Middle East. This effort will include all of Iraq’s neighbors, including Iran and Syria. McCain on the Iraq War McCain, a third generation Naval officer, voted in 2002 to give President Bush full authority to attack and invade Iraq. And hes continually served as supporter and cheerleader for the U.S. War in Iraq, albeit with occasional objections to strategies. At the 08 Republican Convention and on the campaign trail, McCain and running mate Gov. Palin frequently proclaimed a goal of victory in Iraq and scoff at withdrawal timetables as foolish and premature. McCains website proclaimed ... it is strategically and morally essential for the U.S. to support the Government of Iraq to become capable of governing itself and safeguarding its people. He strongly disagrees with those who advocate withdrawing American troops before that has occurred. McCain took this stance: despite the $12 billion monthly pricetag to U.S. taxpayers;despite the fact that the Iraqi government has a substantial budgetary surplus;despite mounting deaths and permanent maimings of U.S. soldiers;despite exhaustion of U.S armed forces;despite the crippling effect the Iraq War has on U.S. armed forces abilities to address other conflicts and emergencies. General Colin Powell, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Secretary of State, disagreed with McCain, as did General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, and as do dozens of other retired generals, admirals and other top brass. Heres the really odd part: the Bush administration also disagreed with John McCain. Per various international sources on October 20, 2008, the U.S. is finalizing negotiations on a security agreement with Iraq: The agreement also contains a timetable for the withdrawal of the U.S. military from Iraqi cities and towns by June 30, 2009 and from Iraqi territory by Dec. 31, 2011. Even General David Petraeus, often referred to with great reverence by McCain, recently told the British press that he would never use the word victory to describe U.S. involvement in Iraq and commented: This is not the sort of struggle where you take a hill, plant the flag and go home to a victory parade... its not war with a simple slogan. The hard truth is that John McCain, Vietnam War POW, was obsessed with the Iraq War. And he couldnt seem to shake his angry, unhealthy obsession despite either reality or exorbitant cost. U.S. Voters Want Out of Iraq Per CNN/Opinion Research Corp. polling from October 17 to 19, 2008, 66% of all Americans disapprove of the Iraq war. Barack Obama was on the correct side of this issue, per the entire voting public, especially per the centrist, swing voters who decide most election outcomes. Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election in part because he consistently exhibited wise judgment on the Iraq War, and because he insists on the obviously correct course of action. Reason #5 - Joe Biden as Running Mate Sen. Barack Obama won the presidency in part because of his wise selection of highly experienced, well-liked Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware as his vice-presidential running mate. The first job of the vice president is to assume the presidency should the president become incapacitated. No one doubts that Joe Biden is fully prepared to become President of the United States, should that terrible occasion arise. The second job of the vice president is to be of constant counsel to the president. In his 36 years in the U.S. Senate, Biden is one of the most respected American leaders on foreign policy, the U.S. judiciary, crime, civil liberties, and many other vital areas. With his gregarious, warm personality, Biden is suited to offer direct, smart counsel to the 44th president, as he has done for many other U.S. presidents. As an added bonus, the working chemistry and mutual respect between Obama and Biden is excellent. For Americans concerned about Barack Obamas level of experience, Joe Bidens presence on the ticket added a large dose of gravitas. Had he selected one of the able, but far less experienced candidates on this short list (Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, to name two top contenders), Barack Obama may have been less likely to reassure a majority of voters that the Democratic ticket was experienced enough to tackle todays tough issues. Joe Biden vs. Sarah Palin Joe Bidens deep grasp of the issues, appreciation of U.S. history and laws, and steady, experienced leadership were in jarring contrast to that of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate. Republican nominee, 72-year-old John McCain, has wrestled with three episodes of melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, and gets an in-depth skin cancer check every few months. Mr. McCains serious health challenges greatly increased the risk that he could become incapacitated and/or pass away in office, which would require his vice president to become President of the United States. It was widely recognized, even by a plethora of conservative pundits, that Sarah Palin was wholly unprepared to assume the presidency. In contrast, Joe Biden was widely regarded as well prepared to assume the presidency. Due to these five important political factors, Barack Obama won the November 4, 2008 election to become the 44th President of the United States.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Islam - Essay Example The spiritual benefits associated with prayer in Islam are heavily conspicuous to be ignored, since they play a major role in alleviating a person’s obnoxious worries and moroseness. On the other hand, prayer in Islam also has immense physical benefits that are a great means of reducing the chances of many serious diseases. It is because a person does not have to stand or sit still at one place during the process of praying, rather all the Muslims are required to adopt various positions during the prayer. The most important part of the Islamic prayer is the prostration, when a Muslim has to bow down in front of God. It is a scientifically approved fact that when one adopts this position not once but many times a day, extra blood flows down to the brain and this blood flow is of immense importance. This greatly reduces the risk of many diseases like chilblain and also helps in effective drainage of sinuses (Naik). An interesting fact associated with the prayer in Islam is that the vertebral column adopts various postures like standing erect and bending as in prostration, due to which there are reduced chances of grave vertebral diseases. Islamic prayer hugely differs from the Christian prayer in many ways.
Monday, February 3, 2020
The impact to the London from the preparative for Olympic Gme in Essay
The impact to the London from the preparative for Olympic Gme in London 2012 - Essay Example There are several parameters which will come across direct impact of the 2012 London Olympics. The impacts of preparation of London Olympics are described as follows: The London Olympics and Paralympics 2012 will use both the existing facilities as well as the latest new architectural wonders such as 'Olympic park' and 'Olympic stadium' (Construct UK, 2005). The whole process is developed keeping in mind that no 'white elephants' are created while carrying out 2012 Olympics projects. This is also called as '2012 legacy'. The Olympic park(Newman, P. 2007) is being developed on a wasteland near Stratford, which is claimed to be the biggest engineering and construction project in Europe. Significant cleaning up of the 2.5 sq. km contaminated land is already in progress. After the Olympiad is over , the Olympic park will be transformed into an urban park which will be the largest in Europe. The other venues such as aquatics centre, hockey centre and the multi sports arena will lead to the overall development of sports infrastructure in UK. Some of the sports facilities like ExCeL in Newham (which will host Weightlifting, Boxing, Judo, Wrestling, Tae Kwondo and Table Tennis competitions), O2 in Greenwich (Gymnastics); Greenwich Arena (will host Badminton and Rhythmic Gymnastics), Horse Guards' Parade (Beach Volleyball) and Wimbledon (Tennis) already exists and need only some renovation. While developing the new venues and infrastructure it was necessary to purchase and demolish some business and private sites and properties. This has led to some controversy as the proprietors complained of inadequate compensation. Thus the overall infrastructure development taken place is really beneficial in the long run for the development of UK Impact on transport: The need to get the entire Olympic family as well as the spectators safely and on time to the venue has led to the proposal of improvement in the existing transport system. The main aim is to complete the games related transport improvement work well before 2012 so that people can enjoy the benefits before, during and after the Olympics. The Lower Lea Valley will be transformed into one of the best connected areas in the capital, in accordance with the transport improvement plans, thus bringing economic and social benefits. East London will see long term benefits as a result of this. Rail lines, stations and platforms are being upgraded which will serve the public interest in the long run even after the games are over. The London Underground's East London Line is being expanded; the Docklands Light Railway and the North London Line are being upgraded. The new "Javelin" high-speed rail service, using Hitachi 'bullet' trains is being introduced for the fastest surface transit. Buses: The 'iBus' with automated vehicle control systems and a comprehensive communication system will be introduced by end 2008. These buses are particularly helpful to aged, disabled and foreign tourists who have language problems as these are equipped with audio visual systems for information on upcoming bus stop, live information on board the buses. River transport: The inland
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